



Мне бы твои проблемы

Можно ли чувствовать себя несчастным, когда жизнь повернулась к тебе лицом? Модель Эшли Джеймс уверена, что да.


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A post shared by Jane Park (@janeparkx) on

Let's talk about body confidence (and sorry for the long rant). Tonight someone said to me that they really enjoy the fact that I'm open and accepting of my body. It was kind of ironic because tonight, on the way to DJ for the @bouxavenue lingerie event, my cabbie turned around and took a photo of my boobs. I was already quite uncomfortable with my outfit, and then I was made to feel like a cheap whore. I succumbed to the slut shaming, broke down in tears, and then got changed at the event into something that didn't feel me. Later, I realised I'd allowed some sexist arsehole dictate how I should feel about my NATURAL GOD-GIVEN body so I got changed again. The road to body acceptance and confidence is hard, which is why I thought I'd share this story with you, but I'm trying. Thanks to all the awesome men and women who pep-talked me back to confidence tonight. And also, lol at the sexist comments already on here going against this caption. ???? (hair and makeup by @secretspauk using @sexyhairuk- thanks for making me feel like a goddess) ???? #bodyconfidence #ownwhatyamammagaveya #goodvibesonly #nobadenergy #impressyourself

A post shared by Ashley James (@ashleylouisejames) on

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